Dear Colleagues & Friends, Welcome to the Tripura State Dental Council (TSDC) Website! In this digital era, the website
keeps us interconnected and strengthens the interrelationship amongst us. Creation of this website will close the gap
between all of us. This is done with a view to making it convenient and time-saving for our professionals to go through
the official procedures and formalities in connection with Registration/Renewal of Registration and many other
Council-related matters. Getting access to various informations available with the TSDC will also be possible. This is
our time-needed endeavour to have a website where we can get a common pool of informations sharing amongst ourselves and
most essentially and mandatorily sharing some specific informations with our topmost National Apex Body, Government of India and also other concerned Organisations.
However, we will try our best to develop this website as a user-friendly and purpose-serving one. The other details will
be shared soon.
With regards